
Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins: A Python Guide to Input and Output Control


In this tutorial, you will explore the input and output pins of the Raspberry Pi and learn how to control them using the powerful Python 3 programming language. We will focus on two widely used libraries, Gpiozero and Rpi.GPIO, to facilitate GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pin control and interaction.

What You Will Learn

Raspberry Pi Pinout

GPIO stands for general-purpose-input/output. Raspberry Pi boards have 40 pins that you can use them to communicate with other components.

All Raspberry Pi boards share the same GPIO header with similar functionality. Therefore, the information provided in this guide is applicable to both versions 3 and 4 of the Raspberry Pi:

The arrangement of the pins is as follows:

If your Raspberry board operating system is Raspberry Pi OS (formerly called Raspbian), then you can see pins arrangement by entering pinout command in terminal.

These pins have different capabilities, including:

  • PWM (pulse-width modulation)
    • Software PWM available on all pins
    • Hardware PWM available on GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO18, GPIO19
  • SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
    • SPI0: MOSI (GPIO10); MISO (GPIO9); SCLK (GPIO11); CE0 (GPIO8), CE1 (GPIO7)
    • SPI1: MOSI (GPIO20); MISO (GPIO19); SCLK (GPIO21); CE0 (GPIO18); CE1 (GPIO17); CE2 (GPIO16)
  • I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
    • Data: (GPIO2); Clock (GPIO3)
    • EEPROM Data: (GPIO0); EEPROM Clock (GPIO1)
  • Serial
    • TX (GPIO14); RX (GPIO15)
Raspberry Pi Pinout

How to Use Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins with Python

Raspberry Pi OS includes a pre-installed Python editor known as Thonny Python IDE, enabling users to program the GPIO pins in Python. The steps for creating a Python code using the Thonny Python editor are detailed below, accompanied by an illustrative example:

Step 1: Launch Python Editor

Access the Python editor by navigating to the Application Menu and selecting the “Programming” option to initiate the Thonny Python IDE on the Raspberry Pi desktop.

Thonny IDE on Raspberry Pi
Thonny IDE on Raspberry Pi

Step 2: Importing GPIO Module

To initiate the use of GPIO pins, it is necessary to import the GPIO library using the code:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

This library, which comes pre-installed on the Raspberry Pi system, facilitates GPIO pin control. 

By using this command, we are just importing this RPi.GPIO module and calling it as GPIO so that we can just simply use the GPIO instead of writing the whole name again and again in the code.

Raspberry Pi GPIO programming with python and Thonny IDE

Python Gpiozero API Library for Raspberry Pi GPIO

The Gpiozero library is one of the most comprehensive libraries available to control the Raspberry pi GPIO pins in Python language.

Many components have already been defined in this library. (such as an LED, Button, Baragraph LED, and etc) so working with this library is very easy and you can easily control different components with it.


This library contains distinct classes for each component, with each class offering a variety of methods. While it’s not necessary to have prior knowledge of object-oriented programming for this tutorial, we highly recommend learning it to enhance your comprehension of the program.

How to Setup Gpiozero

This library is available on Raspberry PI OS default and you don’t need to install it.

Note: if you are not using Raspberry PI OS, you can install the library using the following commands:

For python3:

sudo pip3 install gpiozero

For python2:

sudo pip install gpiozero

To use this library, just import it into the Python programming environment.

The first method:(recommended)

from gpiozero import [name of class]

second method: import gpiozero

Basic Commands

When you have imported the library, you can use the commands defined within it to control GPIO pins.

LED-related commands

led = LED(# of pin) Determine the pin that is connected to the LED
on() Turning on
off() Turning off
toggle() Changing status*
blink() blinking

*Turn LED on if it’s off and vice-versa.

Button-related commands

button = Button(# of a pin) Determine the pin that is connected to button
wait_for_press () Wait until a button is pressed
wait_for_release () Wait until a button is released
is_pressed If a button is pressed returns 1 otherwise returns 0
when_pressed Do specific function when a button is pressed
when_released Do specific function when a button is released

Bar graph-related commands

graph = LEDBarGraph(# of pins) Determine the pin that is connected to Bargraph
graph.value = value Turning some LEDs on

Buzzer-related commands

buzzer = Buzzer (# of a pin) Determine the pin that is connected to Buzzer
on() Turning on
off() Turning off
toggle() Changing status

RGB-related commands

led = RGBLED(red=#, green=#, blue=#) Determine the pins wich are connected to RGB = value Turning on in red = value Turning on in green = value Turning on in blue
on() Turning on off all colors
off() Turning off all colors
toggle() Changing the status

LDR-related commands

sensor = LightSensor(# of a pin) Determine the pin which is connected to photocell
wait_for_dark () Waiting for the environment to light down then executes the next commands
wait_for_light () Waiting for the environment to light up then executes the next commands
light_detected If the environment is clear, it returns 1 and otherwise returns 0.
when_dark Performing a specific function when the environment is dark
when_light Performing a specific function when the environment is clear

For more information check the following link:

Raspberry Pi GPIO Python API Library

Another famous library in launching input and output pins is the Raspberry Pi GPIO library. You can use this library in python programming.

How to Setup the Raspberry Pi GPIO Library

The Raspberry Pi GPIO library is also available on Raspbian operating system by default and you don’t need to install it. To use this library, just import it into your Python programming environment using the following command:
import RPi.GPIO

Basic Raspberry Pi GPIO Commands

The GPIO set mode(GPIO.BCM)

  • GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM): Using pins BCM numbers
  • GPIO.setup(# of pin, GPIO.IN): Determine the pin as input
  • GPIO.setup(# of pin, GPIO.OUT): Determine the pin as an output
  • GPIO.setup(# of pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH): Initialization output
  • GPIO.input(# of pin): Reading input pin
  • GPIO.output(# of pin, state): Writing on the output pin

If you have used the same pin in several scripts at the same time, you will see a warning when the code is running. To disable this alert, use the following command before setting up the pins:


Raspberry Pi GPIO Examples

Here are some examples of how you can utilize GPIO pins with the Raspberry Pi to grasp the fundamentals of Raspberry Pi GPIO programming.

Example 1: Control LED with Raspberry Pi GPIO


Connect a LED to GPIO17 pin using a resistance.


  • Turn On and OFF LED w/ Gpiozero
from gpiozero import LED 
from time import sleep 

red = LED(17) 
while True: 
    red.on()    #turn led on 
    sleep(1)    #delay for 1 second   #turn led off 
  • Turning LED on and off with RPi.GPIO
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO 
from time import sleep 
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) 
GPIO.output(17, True) 
GPIO.output(17, False)
  • Blinking LED w/ Gpiozero
 from gpiozero import LED 
from signal import pause 
red = LED(17) 
red.blink(2,1,5)  #2second on, 1second off, 5 times blink 
  • Blinking LED w/ RPi.GPIO
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO 
from time import sleep 
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) 
while True: 
    GPIO.output(17, True) 
    GPIO.output(17, False) 
  • LED with variable brightness w/ Gpiozero
from gpiozero import PWMLED 
from time import sleep 
led = PWMLED(17) 
while True: 
    led.value = 0    # off 
    led.value = 0.2  # 20% brightness 
    led.value = 0.4  # 40% brightness 
    led.value = 0.6  # 60% brightness 
    led.value = 1    # full brightness 
  • Gpiozero (Method 2)
from gpiozero import PWMLED 
from signal import pause 
led = PWMLED(17) 
led.pulse(1,1,3) #fade_in in 1s, fade_out in 1s, do it for 3 times 
  • LED with variable brightness w/ RPi.GPIO
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO 
from time import sleep 
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) 
p = GPIO.PWM(17, 100)    # 100 is frequency 
dc = 0 
p.start(dc)   # where dc is the duty cycle (0.0 <= dc <= 100.0) 
for x in range(3): 
    for i in range(0, 10): 
        dc += 10 
        p.ChangeDutyCycle(dc)  # where 0.0 <= dc <= 100.0 
    for i in range(0, 10): 
        dc -= 10 
        p.ChangeDutyCycle(dc)  # where 0.0 <= dc <= 100.0 

Example 2: Control a Button with Raspberry Pi GPIO


connect button to Pin2. Pin2 is always pulled up bu default.


  • Check if a Button is pressed w/ Gpiozero:
from gpiozero import Button
from time import sleep 
button = Button(2) 
while True: 
    if button.is_pressed: 
        print("Button is pressed") 
  • Check if a Button is pressed w/ RPi.GPIO
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO 
from time import sleep 
GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.IN) 
while True: 
    if GPIO.input(2) == 0: 
        print("Button is pressed") 
  • Run a function every time the button is pressed and released (w/ Gpiozero)
from gpiozero import Button 
from signal import pause 
def say_hello(): 
def say_goodbye(): 
button = Button(2) 
button.when_pressed = say_hello 
button.when_released = say_goodbye 
  • Shutdown Button w/ Gpiozero
    By pressing and holding the button for 2 seconds, your PC will shut down.
from gpiozero import Button 
from subprocess import check_call 
from signal import pause 
def shutdown(): 
    print("system shutdown") 
    check_call(['sudo', 'poweroff']) 
shutdown_btn = Button(2, hold_time=2) 
shutdown_btn.when_held = shutdown 

Example 3: Control a Button and LED


Control a LED with button

from gpiozero import LED, Button 
from signal import pause 
led = LED(17) 
button = Button(2) 
button.when_pressed = led.on 
button.when_released = 

Example 4: Control a Bargraph with Raspberry Pi GPIO

Controlling the number of on LEDs on a bargraph


Warning: some versions of Bargraphs may need resistance.

Code using GPIOZero:

from gpiozero import LEDBarGraph 
from time import sleep 
graph = LEDBarGraph(17, 27, 22, 10, 9, 0, 11, 5, 6, 13) 
graph.value = 1  # (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 
graph.value = 1/2  # (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
graph.value = -1/2  # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 
graph.value = 2/10  # (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
graph.value = -2/10  # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1) 
graph.value = -1  # (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 

Example 5: Control a Buzzer with Raspberry Pi GPIO

Switching a buzzer on and off using the Raspberry Pi board


Code using GPIO Zero

from gpiozero import Buzzer 
from time import sleep 
bz = Buzzer(17) 
while True: 

Example 6: Control an RGB LED

Controlling a RGB using Raspberry Pi board


Code using GPIOZero

from gpiozero import RGBLED 
from time import sleep 
led = RGBLED(red=17, green=27, blue=22) = 1  # full red 
sleep(1) = 0.5  # half red 
led.color = (0, 1, 0)  # full green 
led.color = (1, 0, 1)  # magenta 
led.color = (1, 1, 0)  # yellow 
led.color = (0, 1, 1)  # cyan 
led.color = (1, 1, 1)  # white 
led.color = (0, 0, 0)  # off 
# slowly increase intensity of blue 
for n in range(100): = n/100 

Example 7: Control an LDR with Raspberry Pi GPIO

When the environment is dark, the LED turns on and it turns off when the environment is clear.


Code using GPIO Zero

from gpiozero import LightSensor, LED 
from signal import pause 
sensor = LightSensor(17) 
led = LED(21) 
sensor.when_dark = led.on 
sensor.when_light = 

What’s Next?

  • change the number of on LEDs in a Bargraph with two keys. Each time the first key is pressed, the number of bright LEDs will be added and if the second key is pressed, the number of bright LEDs will be reduced by one.
  • Detect the motion using a motion sensor (PIR) and alarm the buzzer in case of motion.

By mastering the control of Raspberry Pi GPIO pins using Python and libraries like Gpiozero and Rpi.GPIO, you can unlock a wide range of possibilities for interacting with various components and building exciting projects.

Remember to refer to the official documentation for comprehensive information on the Gpiozero and Rpi.GPIO libraries, including detailed instructions and examples.

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Comments (12)

  • Michael Freeman Reply

    This was a great tutorial. Thank you!
    I am new to programing these devices and I was hoping if you could point me in the right direction.
    I am saving video feed to a micro sd card that needs to go through a Rasberry Pi and then through an Ethernet. The camera has a slot for a micro sd card. I plan on connected a male micro sd extender strip to the Pi’s GPIO pins (male end enters into camera and strip connects to GPIO) and coding the Pi to pull data from the camera and save to the Pi. Do you know of any libraries that are designed to do this?

    August 1, 2019 at 2:33 pm
    • Saeed Hosseini Reply

      We are glad for your interest in this project.
      That’s a cool idea.
      Unfortunately, we don’t know any proper lib for your project.

      August 5, 2019 at 5:34 am
  • Vilk Reply

    r u sure graph for Button + LED is correct ?

    September 9, 2019 at 12:10 pm
    • Saeed Hosseini Reply

      Hi, yes they are all correct.

      September 19, 2019 at 4:03 am
  • Will Reply

    I can’t see if the button used is normally open or normally closed. Could you clarify please.

    October 19, 2019 at 6:45 pm
    • Saeed Hosseini Reply

      the button is normally open

      October 21, 2019 at 5:57 am
  • mohammad Reply

    my RP pin has a default voltage. About 0.50 v in grand pin and 3.3 in other one.
    RPi3 B+
    I can’t change voltage with python and gpio library.
    I ran python and Hadn’t any error ,but the voltage didn’t change.
    Mr. Saeed can you help me and tell me my problem.
    Thanks .

    July 17, 2021 at 10:15 am
    • Mehran Maleki Reply

      There are only two explanations why you’re facing this issue, whether something goes wrong in the way you’re programming the GPIO pins using python or there is something wrong with your Raspberry Pi board itself. To see if your RP board is correct, you can try another way for programming its GPIO pins. For example, check the following tutorial and see if it makes any difference: “”

      July 20, 2021 at 1:55 pm
  • Emad Mitwalli Reply

    GPIO.setup(# of pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH: Initialization output is WRONG correct is:
    GPIO.setup(# of pin, GPIO.output, initial=GPIO.HIGH: Initialization output

    November 5, 2022 at 2:18 pm
  • New Developer Reply

    Has anyone used this on a Rapi 4B?

    December 12, 2022 at 7:25 pm
  • cheapskate Reply

    With your buzzer example, I get this when I run the code:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gpiozero/pins/”, line 101, in pin
    pin = self.pins[n]
    KeyError: 17

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/home/cassious/./”, line 3, in
    buzzer = Buzzer(17)
    File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gpiozero/”, line 108, in __call__

    The code in the library is broken.

    November 26, 2023 at 4:52 pm
    • Mohammad Damirchi Reply

      Hi cheapskate,
      use this command in Terminal sudo apt-get install python3-full
      this may help you

      November 28, 2023 at 1:34 pm

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