- +100 7 % $1.6300
- +300 9 % $1.5900
- +500 11 % $1.5600
- +1000 13 % $1.5200
CJMCU-CP2102 its a highly integrated, built-in USB full-speed function controller, USB transceiver, crystal oscillator, EEPROM and asynchronous serial data bus (UART), supports full-featured modem signal without any external USB devices. CJMCU-CP2102 works with other USB-UART adapter circuit similar to the driver through the PC's USB port to a virtual COM port expansion in order to achieve the purpose.
Chip: CP2102
Operating Voltage: 3.3V , 5V
Baud rate: 300bps ~ 1Mbps
CP2102 chip, after installing the driver, generate COM port.
Onboard status indicator, transceiver indicator, properly installed and driven status indicator will always be on, transceiver indicator will flicker when communicating, with running LED indicator.
Communication format support: A. 5,6,7,8 bit data; B. 1,1.5,2 stop bit support; C. odd, even, mark, space, none check.
Support operating system: Windows 8.1/7/vista/xp/98, for Mac OS-X/OS-9, Linux.
The USB seat interface is MICRO USB.
The patch elements are welded by regular companies, with stable quality and beautiful appearance.
With DTR trigger signal output can be direct to Pro Mini ATMEGA328P and other motherboard download program communication.
Interface: Micro USB , TTL
Pin number: 6 Pin
Size: 20mm x 16mm x 4mm