MTH01 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Features
The MTH01 sensor module is a suitable sensor for measuring ambient temperature and humidity. This module actually consists of two sensors: an NTC type high precision temperature sensor and a resistive type relative humidity sensor. It can communicate to different microcontrollers through SPI interface. The key features of this module are:
- Temperature measurement range: -40 to +70 degrees Celsius
- Temperature measurement accuracy: 0.5 degrees Celsius
- Humidity measurement range: 18% to 98% RH
- Humidity measurement accuracy: 3% RH
- Response time: 60 seconds
Download the datasheet of this sensor here.
MTH01 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Pinout
The MTH01 module has 6 pins:
- CS: Enable sensor pin for transmitting data
- SCK: Clock pin
- SDAT: Data Output pin (MISO)
- Reset: Reset (For resetting the module, set it to LOW)
- GND: Ground
- 3V: Power supply module
You can see the pinout of this module here.
Required Materials
Hardware Components
Software Apps
Interfacing MTH01 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Arduino
Step 1: Circuit
The following circuit shows how you should connect the Arduino Board to the MTH01 module. Connect wires accordingly.
Step 2: Library
Download the MTH01_Arduino_Lib library from the link below. Then go to Include Library and install it.
If you need more help with installing a library on Arduino, read this tutorial: How to Install an Arduino Library
Step 3: Code
Upload the following code to your Arduino Board. Then open the Serial Monitor.
Made on Apr 04, 2021
By MehranMaleki @ Electropeak
// Sensor top view
// CS - On/Off 1|° -------------- [][][][]
// SCK - CLK 2|° [ ] [][][][]
// SDAT - MOSI 3|° [ ] [][][][]
// Reset - Reset 4|° [ ] [][][][]
// VSS - GND 5|° -------------- [][][][]
// VDD - +5V 6|° ° °
// -----------------------------
//Arduino connections
// CS -> 7
// SCK -> 13
// SDAT -> 11
// Reset -> NC
// VSS -> GND
// VDD -> 5V
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "MTH01.h"
#define mth01_pin 7 // define CS pin
MTH01 mth01;
void setup()
Serial.println("MTH-01 High Sensitivity Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module");
mth01.begin(mth01_pin); // Start the Sensor
void loop()
Serial.print(" T = ");
Serial.write("\xC2\xB0"); // The Degree symbol
Serial.print("\t H = ");
In above code, we first enable the sensor. Then, every 5 seconds, the temperature and humidity data is taken from the sensor and display it on the Serial Monitor.